Sunday, 22 November 2015

Film trailer research - Catfish

Catfish is a story where a young man called Nev, finds himself in an online relationship with a very attractive artist. However, he soon realises her Facebook pictures may be borrowed from someone else, he decides this after the recorded sound of her singing seems to be the voice of a known singer.

During the documentary film he discovers that the real identity of the artist is that of a mother, who has given up her career to care for her severely retarded son. He eventually forgives her, understanding these Facebook fantasies are all she has.

  • The trailer for the film includes around 70 shots.
  • The trailer is 2 minutes 20 seconds long
  • there are 6 characters shown in the trailer, these are: Nev, Megan, two friends, Megan's mum and Megan's sister.
  • The narrative is based around Nev trying to find a girl he is dating online. This highlights the dangers of the internet world
  • There are 4 settings seen in the trailer, which are: Nev's house, a ballet studio, in the car whilst travelling, Megan's farm house
  • The music in the trailer starts happy and upbeat which suggest good news and events occurring. However, as the trailer progress' the music slows down becoming darker.
  • There is diegetic sound throughout of Nev speaking, this gives the audience more information about the film.
  • There are 12 intertitles in the trailer. This is often done by a typing effect where the messages are coming up on screen as they are being typed. Institutional information is also added at the end of the film.

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